hZip - An HTML Optimization Tool

Current Release: 0.06 January 21, 2007

hZip compresses HTML files by removing redundant META tags, spaces, comments, carriage returns and line feeds. This means less bandwidth usage, and web surfers on memory limited devices will see web pages download that much faster.

January 21, 2007: Version 0.06 of hZip is released.
January 3, 2007: First stable release of hZip.
December 3, 2006: Version 0.04 of hZip is released.
October 29, 2006: Version 0.03 of hZip is released.
October 12, 2006: Version 0.02 of hZip is released.
February 6, 2006: The very first release of hZip!

You can send bug reports, enhancement requests or patches to the author
[ johnnycanuck( at )users.sourceforge.net ].

Windows (95/98/NT/2000/XP): hzip-0.06-win.zip

Linux x86: hzip-0.06-linux-x86.tar.gz

Source Code: hzip-0.06-source.tar.bz2

Copyright © 2006-2007 Michael Liebscher. SourceForge